10 Cool iPhone & Android Apps You Should Know

10 Apps You Should Know

Since new apps get released at an incredible rate, we figured it only fair to keep you abreast of the best. Stop sifting through all the terrible games and little life helpers to find some gems and break out your iPhone or Android device and get to downloading some of these guys.


Well this was a long time coming. The app isn’t perfect, but it is the best way to browse projects you want to back while on the go. Ideally, we’d like an easier way to browse the just launched projects, but overall, the app is clean and useful and will probably cost you a lot of money backing tons of campaigns you kinda like. iOS


We’ll admit that we don’t play a ton of games on our phones. We know a lot of people do, and while we hopped on the Words With Friends and Angry Birds bandwagons, we’ve played few others. Year Walk is not like other games, however. It’s beautiful, strange, and unlike anything you’ve ever played on your phone. It’s also the only game we know of that has a companion guide you can download as well. iOS


For a few months this was a buggy iPhone-only app. Now it’s fixed up and also available for Android. The basic idea is to save you money on going to see movies at the movie theater. You sign up, pay a fee, and get to see an unlimited number of movies. There are issues (not all theaters are available and you have to see about four movies a month to make it worthwhile), but if you’re a hardcore film buff, it’s a pretty sweet deal. iOS Android


Photoshop Express didn’t exactly set the world on fire. The app was okay, but it wasn’t really like having Photoshop on your phone. Photoshop Touch is a big step forward. Sure you have a lot of photo editing apps to choose from, but the leader in picture manipulation sure makes a worthy case for having the best app now. iOS Android


It’s not like it’s difficult to find a decent weather app, but few work well and look as nice as Haze. Based on the different directions you swipe, Haze will display different bits of weather related info in a colorful, minimilist way. iOS


This iPad app, which was developed by the founder of 4Chan, is simple and addicting. It challenges you to a different drawing challenge everyday. Go ahead and assume it’s for children, then download it and get sucked in. iOS


We turn to Twitter for everything from breaking news to random comedic thoughts, and a good Twitter client is always something we’re on the hunt for. Carbon might just be our favorite one yet. It sports a very simple but stylish interface and it works nice and quick. Android


Where would we be without Dieter Rams? Well, there’s a good chance the iPhone you’re holding wouldn’t look nearly as cool (unless Steve Jobs really didn’t need someone to turn to for inspiration). The T3 Player is a beautifully designed music app that was inspired by the Braun genius. It’s got a clean interface, easy to use functions, and is a nice step up from your standard iPhone music player. iOS


Timbre is an awesome way to discover new music. Instead of the endless browsing, Timbre simply plays music from bands performing in your area (or a location you set). Don’t like a song? Swipe to the next one. Find one you love? Go get tickets to the band’s upcoming show. iOS Android


Fitness tracking wristbands and clip-on gadgets are exploding right now. If you haven’t already invested in Nike FuelBand or a Fitbit, consider saving a bunch of money by just downloading Moves to your iPhone. The free app will keep track of your daily walking, cycling, and running. The downside is it will probably do some damage to your battery life, but if you’re cool with that, it will save you some cash. iOS

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword – Animated CAKE!

Animated Zelda Cake Made By Coolest Parents Ever

Because real love is expressed through cake, some amazing parents decided to make the most amazing Zelda cake ever for their 10-year-old daughter. The cake is based on Skyward Sword and includes two main locations (Skyloft and the Sealed Grounds) from the game as well as moving characters and enemies. The temple alone is made of 9 batches of rice krispies and 9 stacked cakes, and everything is covered in fondant icing. When they made the cake, Skwyward Sword was their daughter’s favorite game, but she’s since started playing Twilight Princess and loves it even more. Which hopefully means we’ll see a cake featuring Midna and wolf Link when she turns 11. After that they should definitely make let her play Ocarina of Time because THAT would also be a pretty amazing cake.


I Have No Idea What’s Happening In This iOS Game, But I Like It

Jool, a new iOS game by a German developer named ROSTLAUB, makes the least sense of any mobile game I’ve played. But it’s somehow still kind of awesome.

Let me do my best to describe this game to you. Jool is an endless runner/platformer in which you play as a two-sided bird that is part good, part evil. Kind of like CatDog except 100% avian.

Year Walk

A Game So Weird, It Needs to Come With Its Own Encyclopedia

The developers at Simogo have made some of my favorite mobile games, the musical platformer Bumpy Road and rhythm stealth hybrid Beat Sneak Bandit. Those games were cute and easy to grasp. But their latest one Year Walk looks like a weird, first-person exploration head-trip. Thankfully they appear to know this and are offering up a compendium of all the bizarre creatures and symbols you’ll be encountering in the game. Year Walk looks like it’s going to be moody exploration into the nature of superstition. It comes out on February 21st.

Black Playing Cards

Black Playing Cards

Playing cards are the new Kickstarter pens. A new deck comes out every other week that we end up drooling over (which is bad cause now all the edges are getting mushy). Our latest find is this set of Black Playing Cards which happen to please our eyeballs mightily Following the commandment set forth by the likes of Jay-Z, this deck sports all black everything. The black on black print makes for an aesthetically pleasing and slightly demonic feel (especially considering the face card designs). Just make sure you aren’t playing your next poker night in an awfully lit bunker.

$10 – BUY